There has been a recent increase in demand for sustainable agriculture practices, integrated pest management, pest resistance & resurgence, and organic farming all over the world. The growing need to curb post-harvest crop losses has encouraged the development of agricultural biologicals. Key active ingredients used in the production of biopesticides are imported from China and other key manufacturing companies in Europe and North America. Biopesticide Stocks have been on our lists for a while.

Some of the companies working in the biotech market are FMC Corporation (NYSE:FMC), American VanGuard Corporation (NYSE:AVD), and Central Garden & Pet Company (NYSE:CENT

Black Bird Biotech Inc (OTC:BBBT)’s MiteXstreamTM kills living creatures, as well as mold and mildew. BBBT’s president Mr. Deneault, as a licensed dispenser of medical marijuana (MMJ) in the State of Montana, developed this product because he realised that spider mite is an industry-wide issue. In fact, in addition to marijuana, spider mites are a significant pest in the production of hemp and hops, among other agricultural products. MiteXstreamTM  is composed of 100% food-grade ingredients. It is field-tested and lab proved. Black Bird Biotech has also initiated efforts to establish international sales channels, including in China, Hong Kong and neighbouring countries. Mr. Deneault, being an old player in the industry knows of no competitor that delivers the unique performance standards of MiteXstreamTM and remains convinced that it will quickly prove to be a game-changer for a great number of crops.


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