According to the World Bank’s news, global annual waste generation is expected to jump to 3.4 billion tonnes over the next 30 years, up from 2.01 billion tonnes in 2016. With stats like this, the whole world is pivoting towards cleaner, more sustainable technologies. Waste to energy sector is one of the best, fast growing businesses in the market.

Some of the Major stocks in the Waste to Energy market are China Recycling Energy Corporation (NYSE:CREG), Aduro Clean Technologies (NASDAQ :ACTHF) and (NASDAQ :ACTHF), Clearway Energy      (NYSE: CWEN).

One major company making waves in the Waste to Energy sector is Clean Vision Corp (OTC:CLNV) from the OTC market. It has been acquiring companies and technologies that are focused on clean energy which will serve the global markets needs of today and in the future. One such company in their portfolio is Clean-Seas, Inc, a solutions provider focused on recycling waste plastics into clean burning fuels. This subsidiary has engaged HSA Investments of Abu Dhabi (HSA) to expand its reach throughout the Middle East region and Africa and to implement the Company’s Plastic Conversion Network (PCN).


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