Chronic Inflammation Can be Caused by Both Internal and Environmental Factors

Many medical professionals refer to chronic inflammation as a silent killer. Why? It is linked to being a direct cause of future illnesses like cancer and heart disease and can be something that many people do not even know they suffer from. Studies have shown that inflammation can be caused by both internal and environmental factors. It can occur from things we ingest or absorb through our environment, or it can be a result of our own unhealthy lifestyle. 

So how can we detect or treat diseases that are caused by inflammation? Companies like Pfizer (NYSE: PFE), Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ), and Ludwig Enterprises (OTC: LUDG) are trying to get to the bottom of it. A treatment or early detection of chronic inflammation would do a lot to save lives in America and around the world.

Ludwig is currently working to create a first-of-its-kind, mRNA Inflammation Index that would use a patient’s individual genetics. This would allow healthcare providers to use common genetic markets to detect any sign of disease early on before it becomes a threat. The index itself is powered by artificial intelligence and could be a game-changer when it comes to the detection and treatment of life-threatening diseases. 

Featured: $PFE $JNJ $LUDG


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