The Online Learning Industry is Booming in a Post-Pandemic World

The COVID-19 pandemic brought a realization that much of our work and learning can be performed digitally and remotely.

The online education industry is anticipated to grow at a nearly 14% CAGR between now and 2027. This is a growth rate that suggests that we have reached a new paradigm in terms of how the world views online learning.

It isn’t just the platform but also the technology that is changing. While we used to rely on software programs, a greater portion of this industry is shifting to mobile apps. Companies like Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Duolingo (NASDAQ:DUOL), Coursera (NYSE:COUR), and ClickStream Technologies (OTC:CLIS) are all allowing us to learn within the palms of our hands.

While the first three companies are widely known, ClickStream Technologies offers an Over the Counter investment with high potential. The company has its social language learning app called HeyPal, which crossed 1 million downloads for Android and iOS users earlier this year. Clickstream has even launched a premium version of the app which will look to provide recurring revenues for years to come.

Online learning has allowed people in all corners of the world to have access to a level of education that was previously unattainable. With mobile apps like Duolingo and HeyPal, we can utilize micro-education with just a few minutes of lessons each day.


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