Technavio states the mobile apps market has the potential to grow by USD 653.91 billion during 2021-2025, and the market’s growth momentum will accelerate at a CAGR of 20.65%. The 21st century has produced many tech giants, namely Amazon (NYSY:AMZN), Apple (NYSE:AAPL) , Google (NYSE:GOOGL), Facebook (NYSE: FB), and Microsoft (NYSE:MSFT).

Notable app development stocks in the US are NASDAQ listed Digital Turbine Inc. (NYSE:APPS) and the Applovin Corporation (NYSE:APP). The OTCMarkets company ClickStream Corporation (OTC:CLIS) is another promising company to look forward to. It already owns two successful apps HeyPal™, WinQuik™ and a Music NFT marketplace Nifter™. Both the apps and the NFT marketplace are thriving in the market and are expected to continue growing.


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