Hydrogen is the most abundant element on earth and with approximately 10 million metric tons (MMT) of hydrogen currently produced in the United States each year, more markets are seeing the value in the element. The growth potential for jobs is also expanding in the renewable energy sector driving investors wild for energy stocks.

Grappling with the waste plastic problem all around the globe is part of the mission for Clean Vision Corporation subsidiary Clean–Seas Inc. The company has uplisted to the OTC Markets OTCQB  Ventures Market Exchange, in what may be a breakout year for the organization.

Clean-Seas’ finalizing of its hydrogen fuel cell licensing deal, puts its AquaH hydrogen product on the map in a major way.

Among the organizations in the space are Clean Harbors, Inc. (NASDAQ:CLH), PyroGenesis Canada Inc. (NASDAQ:PYR), and China Recycling Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:CREG).

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